Dear Members and Section Friends,
The summer temperatures are cooling down but the SAE Milwaukee Section activity is ramping up. I look forward to another successful year of exciting programs as P&H Mining Equipment hosts our September kickoff event. The October Section meeting will be held at Briggs & Stratton, followed by the November student night meeting at UW-Milwaukee.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
The summer temperatures are cooling down but the SAE Milwaukee Section activity is ramping up. I look forward to another successful year of exciting programs as P&H Mining Equipment hosts our September kickoff event. The October Section meeting will be held at Briggs & Stratton, followed by the November student night meeting at UW-Milwaukee.
I’m proud of several accomplishments the Section completed last year. The website( was launched and is well maintained by SAE board member Cara Kazda with help from Ken Cook Co. Please visit the website to access the latest newsletter, browse event pictures, or register for events. We also executed our commitment to provide a printed newsletter mailing for every event. This effort was made possible by the generous service donation from Ken Cook Co. Their service has improved our section communication resulting in higher meeting attendance. It also offset a large printing expense which will enable us to provide increased student grants for their collegiate design competitions.
The Company Rep. program was also revived last year led by great efforts from Tony Grant and Wayne Richter. The program helps raise employee awareness within their respective companies. Please contact Tony or Wayne to find out how you can become a company rep. We will continue the momentum into this year.
Please recognize Doug Kautzer of Briggs & Stratton for joining the governing board. Doug has organized the June Sprints event for several years and will now serve on the board as secretary.
I am confident that your governing board will continue the momentum into another productive year.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Many thanks to Kohler Company for hosting a fantastic April section meeting! It was our best attended event this year with over 130 participants. They generously hosted the elaborate dinner and presentation at the American Club. Visit our website ( for pictures from the event.
I encourage you to join us on May 6th for the Family Night meeting being coordinated by board members Dale Wiza and Ken Traub. Enjoy looking at the exotic cars and entertain the kids with the hands-on AWIM activities.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Many thanks to Kohler Company for hosting a fantastic April section meeting! It was our best attended event this year with over 130 participants. They generously hosted the elaborate dinner and presentation at the American Club. Visit our website ( for pictures from the event.
I encourage you to join us on May 6th for the Family Night meeting being coordinated by board members Dale Wiza and Ken Traub. Enjoy looking at the exotic cars and entertain the kids with the hands-on AWIM activities.
Don’t forget to buy your discounted tickets for the June Sprint races at Road America. Log on to the event registration online to purchase your tickets. We will also be sending out an invitation to attend a spanferkel (pig roast) at a fellow member’s home located just 1 mile from the track. Look for the E-mail notification coming soon.
Next year’s program lineup is beginning to solidify. We will start off with P&H Mining in September, followed by Briggs and Stratton in October. Our Student Night meeting will be held in November at UW-Milwaukee. Please contact a board member if you would like to assist with program planning, or would like to host a meeting at your company.
I’d like to thank our sponsors for their continued support. Their generous donations allow us to provide you with the best service we can offer.
And finally, enjoy your summer! I look forward to seeing you at our September kickoff event at P&H mining.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
The winter snow lasted just long enough to complete the Clean Snowmobile Challenge. Congratulations to the Milwaukee Section chapters who participated in the competition.
Many thanks to Helmut Keidl and Midwest Composite Technologies for hosting a fantastic Section meeting. Their “Case Study” was a great example of how to create scale models based on full size designs. We appreciate Helmut’s support of the Milwaukee Section.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
The winter snow lasted just long enough to complete the Clean Snowmobile Challenge. Congratulations to the Milwaukee Section chapters who participated in the competition.
Many thanks to Helmut Keidl and Midwest Composite Technologies for hosting a fantastic Section meeting. Their “Case Study” was a great example of how to create scale models based on full size designs. We appreciate Helmut’s support of the Milwaukee Section.
SAE World Congress will be held April 13th-15th in Detroit Michigan. Log onto the website at for more information.
It’s time to elect the operating officers for this coming year. The nominees are, Jim Ryan – Chairman, Josh Rayeske – Vice Chair, Bernard Krauska – Treasurer. The official vote will be cast during the April meeting to confirm the candidates to their positions. We are currently seeking a replacement Treasurer and Secretary positions. Contact any of the board members if you would like to take a leadership role.
Please join us in May as we conclude this year’s calendar of section meetings with the social Family Night meeting. AWIM activities will be provided for educational kid entertainment.
I thank you for your involvement with the Milwaukee Section this year, and wish you a fun and safe summer.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
The snow is melting fast this time of year! Don’t miss your chance to participate in the clean snowmobile challenge (CSC) competition March 15th – 20th in Houghton, MI. Find out more information on the CSC by visiting
The May family night section meeting is scheduled for May 20th at Hiller Ford in Franklin, WI. The meeting will have a race theme and we are looking for your vehicles to proudly display. Please contact Dale Wiza (414-807-9663) if you would like to bring a vehicle.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
The snow is melting fast this time of year! Don’t miss your chance to participate in the clean snowmobile challenge (CSC) competition March 15th – 20th in Houghton, MI. Find out more information on the CSC by visiting
The May family night section meeting is scheduled for May 20th at Hiller Ford in Franklin, WI. The meeting will have a race theme and we are looking for your vehicles to proudly display. Please contact Dale Wiza (414-807-9663) if you would like to bring a vehicle.
The MSOE student chapter is heading to the annual SAE Detroit Section Student Exhibit Competition to represent their new Formula Hybrid Team. The Milwaukee Section will be sponsoring their journey to help their chapter activities proliferate. The MSOE chapter will provide a summary of their experience during the May Section meeting.
This coming month, the nomination committee will be presenting the slate of officers for this coming year. We are always looking for leadership and contributing talents. We are currently seeking a replacement Treasurer and Secretary positions. You will be mentored for any position you choose, plenty of support is waiting for you!
I thank you for your continued support of the SAE Milwaukee Section. Your participation at Section meetings valued and appreciated. Please send me any comments/ideas you have that can improve Milwaukee Section for everyone.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Many thanks to HB Performance Systems for delivering a fantastic January Section meeting. The interest in HB was overwhelming as the meeting attendance grew to over 90 attendees. Ironically, nothing could stop the brake supplier from providing an outstanding tour of their manufacturing line, test lab, and showroom.
The Milwaukee Section website is up and running again thanks to collaboration from Cara Kazda and support from Ken Cook Company. Please visit the new website at to easily download monthly newsletters and register for section meetings. We welcome your feedback as we continue to improve the website’s format and content.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Many thanks to HB Performance Systems for delivering a fantastic January Section meeting. The interest in HB was overwhelming as the meeting attendance grew to over 90 attendees. Ironically, nothing could stop the brake supplier from providing an outstanding tour of their manufacturing line, test lab, and showroom.
The Milwaukee Section website is up and running again thanks to collaboration from Cara Kazda and support from Ken Cook Company. Please visit the new website at to easily download monthly newsletters and register for section meetings. We welcome your feedback as we continue to improve the website’s format and content.
Note the March 15 th-20th dates for the Clean Snowmobile challenge held at Michigan Tech University in Houghton, MI. There will also be a Milwaukee Section meeting during the event. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with the student teams, in addition to riding the snowmobile trails through scenic Copper Harbor. Find out more information on the CSC by visiting We hope to see you there!
In addition to the Family Night meeting in May, the section will be hosting an Open House board meeting. This is your opportunity to engage with the section in a roundtable discussion so that we can better serve our membership. We will also give recognition to the company representatives who help communicate the section’s activities within their respective companies.
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
I invite you to “slow things down” after a busy Holiday season by attending the January HB Performance (HB) section meeting. I would like to thank Kurt Person of HB, a recent transfer member of the Detroit section, for his enthusiasm in hosting this meeting. It’s this support from local companies which helps make our section meetings a success!
This year’s joint November meeting with ASME was also a huge success! The hybrid vehicle presentation drew 120 attendees who provided new conversation and networking possibilities. SAE will attempt to hold an annual joint meeting with ASME to continue the relationship.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
I invite you to “slow things down” after a busy Holiday season by attending the January HB Performance (HB) section meeting. I would like to thank Kurt Person of HB, a recent transfer member of the Detroit section, for his enthusiasm in hosting this meeting. It’s this support from local companies which helps make our section meetings a success!
This year’s joint November meeting with ASME was also a huge success! The hybrid vehicle presentation drew 120 attendees who provided new conversation and networking possibilities. SAE will attempt to hold an annual joint meeting with ASME to continue the relationship.
Don’t miss February’s meeting at Friction Stir Link to see the latest technology in military ship manufacturing. These techniques were used on the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Freedom commissioned in Milwaukee, earlier in 2009.
Note the March 15th-20th dates for the Clean Snowmobile challenge. There will also be a Milwaukee Section meeting during the event. We hope to see you there.
The May Family Night meeting will be geared toward a race theme, held at Hiller Ford, Inc. We ask any members who are racing enthusiasts to share their projects and experiences with the Section by presenting them at this meeting. Please contact Dale Wiza, if you would like to bring a vehicle to the meeting.
I wish you all the best in the new year!
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Please join us this month for the Rapid Product Development Exposition and Collegiate Student Grant Challenge. The exposition will present students and professionals with current technology and manufacturing methods used for rapid product development. The Milwaukee Section collegiate chapters will give short presentations to describe how rapid product development is/can be used to develop their vehicles for competition. Each participating chapter will receive a grant from the Section based on evaluations provided by the professional members in attendance. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity!
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Please join us this month for the Rapid Product Development Exposition and Collegiate Student Grant Challenge. The exposition will present students and professionals with current technology and manufacturing methods used for rapid product development. The Milwaukee Section collegiate chapters will give short presentations to describe how rapid product development is/can be used to develop their vehicles for competition. Each participating chapter will receive a grant from the Section based on evaluations provided by the professional members in attendance. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity!
The Section would like to thank Harken Inc. for hosting an outstanding September event. Their facility tour and enthusiastic stories captured a large audience of over 50 attendees. It was great to see section show so much interest in the nautical sector of the mobility industry.
This year’s November meeting will be held as a joint meeting with ASME. This is a great opportunity to network with additional professionals in similar industries. You will also have the chance to explore GM’s hybrid vehicles and learn about their technology developments. Don’t wait to register, this event will fill up fast.
Program developments for the January and February meetings are in the works. Please contact a board member with any meeting suggestions you may have. We appreciate your feedback to make the Milwaukee Section more beneficial to everyone.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Please join us this month for the Rapid Product Development Exposition and Collegiate Student Grant Challenge. The exposition will present students and professionals with current technology and manufacturing methods used for rapid product development. The Milwaukee Section collegiate chapters will give short presentations to describe how rapid product development is/can be used to develop their vehicles for competition. Each participating chapter will receive a grant from the Section based on evaluations provided by the professional members in attendance. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity!
Dear Members and Section Friends,
Please join us this month for the Rapid Product Development Exposition and Collegiate Student Grant Challenge. The exposition will present students and professionals with current technology and manufacturing methods used for rapid product development. The Milwaukee Section collegiate chapters will give short presentations to describe how rapid product development is/can be used to develop their vehicles for competition. Each participating chapter will receive a grant from the Section based on evaluations provided by the professional members in attendance. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity!
The Section would like to thank Harken Inc. for hosting an outstanding September event. Their facility tour and enthusiastic stories captured a large audience of over 50 attendees. It was great to see section show so much interest in the nautical sector of the mobility industry.
This year’s November meeting will be held as a joint meeting with ASME. This is a great opportunity to network with additional professionals in similar industries. You will also have the chance to explore GM’s hybrid vehicles and learn about their technology developments. Don’t wait to register, this event will fill up fast.
Program developments for the January and February meetings are in the works. Please contact a board member with any meeting suggestions you may have. We appreciate your feedback to make the Milwaukee Section more beneficial to everyone.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section
Dear Members and Section Friends,
I am privileged to greet you as chairman for the first time. Get ready for another exciting year of Section events! The kickoff event is the Section meeting at Harken where we will explore the marine aspects of the mobility industry. Special thanks to Bernard Krauska for his efforts in coordinating this fantastic program.
Dear Members and Section Friends,
I am privileged to greet you as chairman for the first time. Get ready for another exciting year of Section events! The kickoff event is the Section meeting at Harken where we will explore the marine aspects of the mobility industry. Special thanks to Bernard Krauska for his efforts in coordinating this fantastic program.
Company Rep. Program
The Company Rep. program is taking off again. Led by Wayne Richter and Tony Grant, this program ties local engine/automotive companies to the Milwaukee Section by having a dedicated SAE representative within their building. The program will help raise employee awareness of SAE events within each company. Contact Wayne or Tony to find out how you can become a company rep.
Website Revitalization
You may have noticed that the SAE Milwaukee website ( has not been accessible. A new website is under construction with operating and maintenance graciously provided by Ken Cook Co. Stay tuned for more information regarding the new web address and services available. We appreciate your patience while our website is revitalized.
October Program – Rapid Product Development Exposition and Student Night
Join us in October to discover current rapid product development techniques by local vendors. In addition, student chapters will present their competition results, technical challenges, and current projects to the audience. Each participating chapter will receive a grant from the Section based on the judging criteria. We are actively looking from companies to sponsor awards. Please contact Mike Krauski if your company can contribute. More details will follow in the October newsletter. Come support your collegiate chapters at MSOE in October.
The Section board is gaining momentum. We have grand visions for our future and need your help to get there. We are currently looking for volunteers to team up with for program planning and meeting registration. With your help we can divide and conquer to reach new levels of success. I look forward to the coming year of activity.
Best regards,
Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section